The Protestant ethic that came to dominate class divisions (social stratification) within American society is rooted in the Protestant ethic, one which traditionally holds that white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) are of a superior ‘race’. Ultimately, the Calvinistic view is an 16 th century ideological way of thinking which states that white supremacy was somehow predetermined by the divine grace of God’s hand through some sort of heavenly process of predestination, also commonly known as Manifest Destiny . With America’s interpretation of divine providence, it all began with ethnic cleansing and genocide during the colonial Indian wars and the Acadian expulsion, lasting from 1755 to 1803, and with this the stage was set for the later white supremacy movements from the 19 th century to the present. Other forms of racism, of course, include Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Asian sentiments. However, without a doubt, the two groups most historically ...
The future is bleak my friends... In case you were not already aware, even though we all know that each and everyone one of us has a very limited time span here in this life on earth, so too does humanity. Life — our very existence — is something we all like to take for granted as a species, but I would simply like to put some perspective on things. If you are able to read this article, you must therefore also be a primate — it almost goes without saying. I say almost because there are a good number of unscientifically-minded people who would argue against evolution, against science, and even against all of the archaeological and anthropological evidence that shows that we are primates. It is estimated that there is an astonishing 38% of people in the United States — lesser in Canada, 21% — who believe that God recently put us on earth some time in the past 10,000, however — thankfully! — the majority of us know better (1). My intention is certainly not to bust your ...