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The Inquestia's Mission Statement: Offering A Unique Insight Into The World We Live In

The English term inquest comes from the Old French enqueste "inquiry", which in turn finds its origin in the Latin inquaestia (from the verb inquirere). Etymologically, the Latin roots of the work can be deconstructed in two composite words, in "into" + quaerere "seek, question, ask". Quest, query, question and inquisition are but a few of the related terms English has inherited from the Roman cultural sphere, for the most part a living testament of the British Isles' long period of interaction with the mainland French and their language, an  offshoot of Latin. What better title then, to have Inquestia as a banner-heading to hang over this blog in order to try to describe it.

As the blog's interests shall assuredly reflect the blogger's (or the author's) own interests and preoccupations, consequently, I have more than a sneaking suspicion that most of the posts featured in the Inquestia Times shall be dedicated to explore the world we live in, the oddities contained in it, why it is the way it is and, more importantly, why we are who we are. Pretty heavy stuff for a blog, but let's throw in some other descriptive terms in the bucket: an exploration of culture, values, an examination of historical perspectives that shape our worldviews... These will be some of the things that will be explored in the Inquestia, for basically it is an "inquest" into our reality, or if anything at all, at the very least it will be an attempt to "question" what we perceive as real. 

As a mission statement or raison-d'etre for the blog, the above description is sufficient. Now, all that is left is to start posting. The sincere hope is that the blog articles I make available for you, dear readers, are not merely entertaining, but that they somehow help add to your personal culture and knowledge. Like all other readers, I personally take great satisfaction in expanding my own knowledge, therefore I do not doubt in the least that there must be something in the Inquestia that might also arouse your intellect.

I will send out notifications when each new blog is published, however, I am as of yet unsure if I should do this via Facebook, Twitter, or other methods. I'll see, but in the meantime I take no offense whatsoever if you do not want to read any of my blogs and simply want these notifications to cease. Please just inform me and I shall stop sending you blog notifications.

With these introductory words, welcome to the Inquestia Times and let's see how this experiment (on my part) works out, and to see if I can manage to get a decent posting a week out there.


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